Why you should consider bollards suppliers?

 Most people that work in manufacturing facilities, warehouses and other industrial environments are familiar with bollards suppliers, and other products designed to avoid damage to equipment and pedestrians from collisions by forklifts and other heavy equipment. Traditional steel devices fulfill their purpose, but require upkeep, maintenance and replacement to remain functional and eliminate damage and unsightly wear and tear from collisions.

Enter flexible collision protection from trusted bollards suppliers. Their revolutionary range of flexible bollards provide variety of innovative improvements over standard steel devices that reduce costs, reduce maintenance and avoid critical damage. These improvements translate into significant returns on investment within the primary few years.

1. No more damage to bollards and barriers when impacted

Unfortunately, a great many bollards suppliers and columns DO get struck by forklifts and trucks. A typical busy environment can require replacing of up to twenty of bollards annually when using steel solutions. Estimates put collisions to individual devices in some high traffic areas at dozens of impacts annually . If you check out the collision protection products in your own facility, the impacts are likely clearly visible.

Although many impacts are often relatively minor (such as sideswiping), only one significant strike can completely destroy a steel guardrail or bollard, requiring replacement and other repairs. Unlike steel barriers and bollards, which transfer collision force to their weakest points just like the floor mount, A-Safe flexible bollards ABSORB the impact- flexing a couple of inches- and recover immediately to their original state.

2. No more damage to forklifts

Forklift damage from bollards suppliers is widely commonplace. Most forklifts we’ve seen in facilities we work and installs in have significant damage to the rear and front ends from impacts over the years. These impacts don’t just affect the surface of the equipment- it also can cause damage to the motor and structural integrity of the forklift. Having a forklift with excess physical damage to the chassis can also often make employees care less overall about maintaining the integrity of the vehicle.

3. No more damage to floors
One often overlooked downside with bollards suppliers is their products damage they cause to floors upon collision. As we mentioned before, when a forklift strikes one among these devices, the impact force transfers to weak parts of the device- often times this is often the joint between the device and where it bolts into the ground . When it’s struck, the cement where the bolts are mounted can often pull up and buckle, creating damage to the ground . Repairing these damages cost up to $300 per base plate affected. Epoxy-treated floors incur additional expenses to repair.

Visit http://www.metalinktx.com/ for more details and a free quote.


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